B2b Open Source Technologies

According to some estimates by Osservatori.Net of the Polytechnic University of Milan, a decisive acceleration towards a "Digital Italy" could allow Italian companies to save up to 20 billion euros in processes related to interaction with the Public Administration and about 160 billion euros in internal processes.
These benefits are closely related to the recovery of staff productivity, which could be used in high value-added activities rather than being blocked in the execution of tasks with little or no added value.
In essence, digitization can unleash the creativity and innovation capacity of companies, generating enormous growth potential and improvement, even in international export.
The LOOOL team has been able to deepen with its customers the advantages that the implementation of a versatile, customizable, and scalable B2B e-commerce platform can offer to companies, allowing efficient management of all processes related to the sale of a product catalog integrated with the company's ERP.
The LOOOL platform is based on OpenSource technologies and can be integrated with any ERP/CRM (e.g. SalesForce, Sage, Infor, SAP, Dynamics), allowing companies to optimize the productivity of their staff and their customers to have an intuitive and immediate purchasing experience.
If you are interested in discovering how LOOOL can help your company obtain the benefits of digitization, do not hesitate to contact us for a free consultation.